Friday, February 14, 2014

Southern Snow Storm in Photos

Set Up: It snowed in Raleigh. We new that it would snow but no one knew quite how hard and fast it would hit. I stayed at a house I was cleaning just a few minutes too long and Amanda left the house just 30 minutes too late to get our very important hot chocolate and Oreos. We were fools, this is what happened.

Car off the side of the hill by my house. All the snow you see was less than 30 minutes after this started. Sure, my Chicago and Indiana friends will think this is ridiculous but when was the last time you drove up a steep hill with no salt or 4WD in a snow storm? Huh? Whatever. I left it and started walking the half mile home.

While I left most things in the car, I carried with me the 35 lb box of artificial logs I had bought the night before in preparation for the storm. Why didn't I unload the car the night before? Why don't you mind your own business?

Kicking and dragging the box once I got downhill was much easier than carrying it!

Warm fire with the dogs. Amanda was still stuck in traffic that refused to move. It took her 2 hours to drive less than 2 miles but that was lucky compared to people who had to wait for hours or abandon their cars 5 miles away to walk home. It was bad, people.

Next morning, Amanda and I took the dogs first thing to check on the car and see if we could get it out or at least see that it hadn't been hit or broken in to. We looked like the guys from Star Wars on the planet that was like, cold and snowy. See how cool I am? I totally know detailed Sci-Fi references (I do not).

This is Amanda looking at the frozen pine needles of the branch that fell in our yard. The whole thing was covered in ice and we have tall trees here so they fell far!

After some friendly neighbors tried to help us push the car out with no success, we took what we needed from the car and walked home. Double Back Pack!!

When we got home I told Amanda that we should shake the snow off the trees so they wouldn't get damaged. I was brsuhing the snow off just fine, Amanda takes one swipe and pulled off a whole, sad branch.

Look at the ice! Pretty.

Anyway, I just got the car back, I'm getting ready to get back to my house. 3 days and 2 packages of Oreos later (thanks for bringing us emergency Oreos, Tommy and Kelsey), Amanda and I have ended our sister snow day(s) and it's time to get back home.

I hope everyone stayed dry and safe.


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