Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Homemade Gift for 2-year-old Boy

Back from Thanksgiving break in Chicago and Indiana. I got to see so many friends and family that I have missed dearly for months but I'm also glad to be back and trying to get stuff done! So, projects and blog time...

The little boy I babysit is turning 2 on Thursday and his mom is bringing him to my house to play with the other toddler I watch since they have become such close little friends! I wanted to give him a gift and since he loves playing with his dad's old Hot Wheels and we have plenty at my parents house, I  picked 6 of the coolest ones while I was home for Thanksgiving.

Gift sack that stands on its own (with Hot Wheels inside) and birthday card
I've always preferred used and homemade gifts - for giving and receiving - and I figured that now is the gift-giving time of year anyway and I had better start! To make this gift a little more personal than a simple hand-me-down, I made a gift sack and a card.

Bonus: Almost every part of this gift is used or re-usable so you don't have to worry about buying more expensive and wasteful crafting supplies.

Gift Sack (with Draw String)
Cut 2 piece of fabric the size you want the sack + a 1/2 inch on each side
 (I used an old upholstery sample and denim from old jeans)
Place the 2 pieces of fabric with the good sides in and sew 3 edge together
(Since this sack is mostly just to give a gift, I did not hem the 4th edge)
Optional: Square off the bottom of the sack
Cut small slits near top of sack but low enough to prevent fraying
(I cut 10 holes for this sack and, once again, did not finish them)
Thread a ribbon, rope or twine through though the holes
(In this  case, an old shoelace!)
Birthday Card
The card is pretty basic and can obviously be done many different ways. Since the birthday boy is only 2 years old, I made mine like a postcard with just a front and a simple, crayon-written message on back. No fancy, inside/outside folding cards here! I'm a simple girl at heart.

Supplies: Scrapbook paper, card-stock, basic computer paper,
Modge Podge (and brush),  glue stick and some old storybook illustrations I love. 
My favorite part about this card is the dinosaur, cut out from an old kid's book I found from the 70's. The book was in tatters but I cut out the pictures, realistic watercolors of pre-historic animals. I'm always trying to find a special project to use them because I like them so much.

The Whole Package
 Reusable Gift Sack + Recycled Hot Wheels + Homemade Birthday Card =
A pretty sweet, totally guilt-free birthday present
Happy Crafting!

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