Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Flannel Shirt Re-Do

I received this shirt in the mail when one of my best friends, Kirsten, moved to Laguna Beach, CA to be a nanny. Now that we're on opposite coasts, she wanted me to have one of her softest flannel shirts (that I borrowed all the time anyway!) and even gave me permission to fit it.

I've always had trouble finding shirts that fit. I can range from size small to large and some part is always either too tight or too baggy, thanks to nature's curves. So, if you have similar issues, this is a really easy way to fit any flannel or dress shirt so that it is actually flattering and doesn't look like it should be on a rail-thin mannequin. Or a boy.

In the front, simply gather fabric right below the bust-line on each side. This step is super easy, I sewed mine while still wearing the shirt!
For the back, I attached 2 buttons about 8 inches apart...
  ...then I wrapped embroidery thread (think friendship bracelets) securely around each of the buttons and left enough slack so the shirt is form-fitting but still loose enough to move.

That's it! It only took a few minutes and now I get to wear my cozy, happy shirt all winter!

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