Thursday, August 15, 2013

Workshop/Bedroom Makeover Part 1: DIY Light Box Under the Bed- FREE PROJECT!

My sister and I switched rooms a couple weeks ago. Her room was twice the size of mine with a bathroom and sink and walk-in closet and she wasn't using most of the space. 

Most people think switching rooms sounds simple, and I guess it does. But most people don't understand how much stuff I have and how long it takes me to "nest" in a new place. I moved out here with a load and a half in my tiny Honda Civic and I own hardly any clothes or shoes, my toiletries are few and I have 2 necklaces to my name. Why so much stuff?

In one word: Etsy

Well, Etsy and working as a seamstress.

A short list:

Sewing supplies, fabric, tools, hardware, ongoing projects, completed projects, thread, buttons, ribbons, zippers, velcro, snaps, eyelets, paint, painting supplies, markers, colored pencils, paper, glue, iron, ironing board, shipping supplies, photography set-up/supplies...

(And that's just off the top of my head, there's more)

Anyway, here we are a few weeks after the move and I'm JUST settling into my new room. I'm very happy and proud of all the work I did and the space is organized down to every last inch so I've wanted to post about it for a few days. But there's SO much going on in there, I didn't even know where to start, so I just didn't.

So, let's start with one of my favorite, most simple and FREE projects I did that makes me very, very happy and proud- my light box.

I've wanted a light box for a while to trace designs onto both paper and fabric for various projects. They're expensive and it seems like such a simple concept, I didn't feel like spending much money on it. I looked into using some old wood box frames I have but didn't want to deal with finding Plexiglas and cutting it to size. Then I stumbled on the most obvious solution online!

I already had this storage box under my bed for all the random kitchen things we don't need in my current house but that I'm hanging on to for when I get my own place. It wasn't very full so I purged some of the stuff, shoved it all into the back - and - VOILA!

I also already had the LED lights inside and wasn't using them- I had bought one for a buck or two for my last closet which didn't have a light in it and the rest were hand-me-downs from a friend.

I love just pushing it back under my bed and not wasting any space since I don't use it all that often. It's still right next to my work table and i just sit on the floor to trace. It shine through at least 4 sheets of paper!!

So, that's it for today. This was by far one of the easiest, quickest and cheapest (well, free) projects in the room but I'm so happy with it's simplicity that I thought I'd share it first.

Trust me, there's plenty more to come... 



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