Saturday, April 13, 2013

Forget Spring, Summer has Sprung!

My sister had told me that it goes straight from winter to summer around here, but I didn't believe it till I saw it with my own eyes! For proof of how quickly things come to life in North Carolina, here's a picture Kirsten took of the woods behind my house on April 2nd (Sorry for stealing your pic, Kirst!)

And this is what it looks like today, just 11 days later!

This is the view of the woods behind my house. Every now and then I forget how beautiful this area is and how amazing it is to have all of this nature in my backyard.

The one downside to all this beautiful nature and the boom of life is the pollen. If you don't live in NC, I'm not just talking about regular pollen. Around here, pollen is a thick, green dust that floats in the air and coats everything! My car, which is normally silver, was green the other day and the inside is covered in the stuff. I've already swept my porch and outdoor furniture and it's covered again almost instantly. I was driving through a wooded area yesterday and there's so much of this stuff that there was a visible "fog" of dust in the air. 

People around here don't even seem to notice it, its so normal. But coming from the Midwest where pollen is an invisible, almost mythical, occurrence and you have to check the pollen count online to know how bad it is, this is all pretty crazy to me! And it means lots of happy bumble bees around the house and lots and lots of sneezing! I swear, if this keeps up, my allergies will be the death of me!

I guess sneezing is a small price to pay for all the beautiful foliage, but my face doesn't seem to understand the trade-off....

I'll post soon about my container gardens which are coming to life as quickly as the woods around me. 
So excited!


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