I've been listening to the hearings on NPR in the car today and I keep going back and forth between excited/hopeful and terrified/sad. I know DOMA will be repealed and that gay marriage will be legalized- and soon- but it's still disappointing that there is even a debate or question at this point.
I am encouraged by the reports of how so many minds have changed because of gay people coming out to those who were opposed to the "issue" of gay rights.
It's not an issue, it's just people.
I'm working with an equality group here in Raleigh (same sex marriage was banned in the state constitution this year here) and that's the exactly what this group is trying to remind people - we're talking about the lives behind this "issue" and how they are affected by certain laws.
If you think you don't know or love anyone who's gay, you're wrong.
Maybe they're afraid to tell you but you do know at least one person who is negatively affected by DOMA and similar discriminatory laws. For example, I just found out last week that it is still completely legal in North Carolina to fire someone based only on their sexual or gender orientation. Not cool, NC.
This is discrimination, it is wrong, and it will be stopped.
How soon, and to what extent, is up to us.
Looking back, you may regret not standing up for human rights at such an important time in history. Things are changing and you can be a part.
If you go to or live near Anderson University- MAKE SOME CHANGES! The more I get out in the "real world" the more I am dumbfounded by how archaic and discriminatory the code of conduct our school has. I shock others and myself when I have to explain the policies and practices that are still in place there. That school is going to hang it's head in shame in no time at all. Christian leaders are leaving their hateful views, its time for Christian institutions to do the same.
Wherever you are, get involved in your area. Wherever you are, there are undoubtedly countless ways to take a stand and make a difference. Even online activism counts, in my book. Become a member of Human Rights Campaign or similar groups.
Maybe consider joining the National Marriage Boycott. You can pledge to stay unmarried until DOMA is repealed and order your ring here. Think twice about this. I was unsure for a few years before buying my ring. I asked some of my gay friends how they felt about the boycott and asked myself the really hard questions like whether I would ever actually be willing to call off a wedding- which isn't something I'm planning for anyway- in order to stand up for those who can't get married.
I understand different views on this group and recognize that this ring is merely a symbol and that I must take action in other ways in order to make a difference. But, I have had many good conversations that started with people noticing my ring and I am proud to be able to show and explain how much equality means to me and the people I love. (Thanks to Chelsea Macek for introducing me to this group 4 or 5 years ago).
Maybe you don't want to get involved or are even against everything I'm saying. That's fine. But just know that these things will change- in fact, are changing- and that you will cling to your judgmental, intolerant views only to be found alone in a new world.
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